You know those mass emails your second cousin sends you? The ones warning you about the dangers of cotton socks and chewing gum. Or the ones that promise you good luck or a free Ipad, ONLY, if you forward to everyone you know. I'm not a fan. But, when I received this 'viral email' from my mother, who knows I detest them, I gave her the benefit of …  Read More
The Bride Wore Bug Spray
By Katherine Rosman Reposted from The Wall Street Journal (July 21, 2010) Instead of bridesmaids and groomsmen, there will be "head counselors" when Serena Orgel, 35, and Josh Young, 36, get married this September at Lake Bryn Mawr Camp in Honesdale, Pa. Instead of bridesmaids and groomsmen, there will be "head counselors" when Serena Orgel, …  Read More
The World Needs Camp: A Letter from Down Under
This letter was written by YMCA Camp Conrad Weiser Staff Alum, Jeff Henry. While he composed it for the summer camp team, we feel it shows why camp is important for kids, staff, and the world. Hey there everyone! So its been a month since summer ended and, like me, you probably have been thinking about what Camp Conrad Weiser did for …  Read More