Greetings from Jeff Henry! The exciting news from the mountain is that Holiday Camp is almost upon us. Preparations are in place and we're excited, hope you are too! 10 Ways You Can Tell You're At Holiday Camp: You can actually hear the person next to you at lunch You packed long johns! You can do anything without looking dumb 9 …  Read More
Holiday Camp and Winter Camp
Have your camper join us at the South Mountain YMCA Camps from Monday, December 27- Thursday, December 30 for our annual Holiday Camp! Kids can spend time with new and old camp friends and staff. If your camper loves camp, this is a great opportunity! We'll be hiking, cooking, playing, sledding (weather permitting), and roasting marshmallows. …  Read More
Expect More From Your Summer Camp
Every camp professional will tell you that they do not offer summer “babysitting” or “childcare” – they provide a summer camp experience. So, hold them to it and expect more from your summer camp. As a parents, we assume that our children will be taken care of physically and emotionally when we enroll them in a summer program. In fact, I know …  Read More