We gather `round the campfire bright As flakes of snow dance in the night And though the seasons change and turn The Fires of Friendship always burn! Keep the Fires Burning! Happy Holidays and a Joyous New Year From the Staff of the South Mountain YMCA Camps! …  Read More
Celebrating our History: The 65th Anniversary of YMCA Camp Conrad Weiser & the 30th Anniversary of the South Mountain YMCA Camps.
For 65 years, we have welcomed you to the mountain. We’ve invited you to share in our Fire of Friendship, determined in our belief that every person shares the potential to grow in wisdom, to discover their unique and independent voice, to nurture others and to engage their communities. The fun and challenging programs we have offered have …  Read More
They Teach It At Stanford!
You know those mass emails your second cousin sends you? The ones warning you about the dangers of cotton socks and chewing gum. Or the ones that promise you good luck or a free Ipad, ONLY, if you forward to everyone you know. I'm not a fan. But, when I received this 'viral email' from my mother, who knows I detest them, I gave her the benefit of …  Read More
The Value of Outdoor Experiences
“I like to play indoors because that’s where all the electrical outlets are.” This statement by a fourth grader in San Diego, would have at one time been considered shocking. But today we consider it common. Not necessarily normal, but expected. There was a time, not so long ago where “the kids who stayed indoors were the odd ones.” But …  Read More
10 Ways You Can Tell You’re at Holiday Camp!
Greetings from Jeff Henry! The exciting news from the mountain is that Holiday Camp is almost upon us. Preparations are in place and we're excited, hope you are too! 10 Ways You Can Tell You're At Holiday Camp: You can actually hear the person next to you at lunch You packed long johns! You can do anything without looking dumb 9 …  Read More